Becoming a Woman of Discretion

 “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.” –Proverbs 11:22

As the old saying goes, “you make the bed you sleep in.” Often times our circumstances are based on the decisions/actions we make stemmed from a lack of discretion. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary discretion is defined as “the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment; ability to make responsible decisions.” In this chapter of Proverbs a gold ring in the snout (nose) of a pig is compared to the beauty of a woman that does not possess discretion. A beautiful, expensive ring serves no purpose in the disgusting snout of a pig; therefore, its value and significance are taken away. In the same matter, the beauty of a woman is minimized when discretion lacks in her character. As women professing godliness we should not desire to be labeled irresponsible, untrustworthy, or out of control. There have been many times in my life that I can honestly say I lacked discretion in areas ranging from clothing choices to more serious areas, such as dating. Some of those times I was able to get by with a minor bruise, but often I’ve been left with scars that have taken considerable amounts of time to heal.

How many times has something bad happened to you, as the result of poor decision-making, and you played the “Woe is me” card? Instead we should consider changing our perspective and seek to find out how could the outcome possibly been different or what could God possibly be teaching me through this?  Don’t get me wrong, not every choice you make will turn out the way you want it to and there will still be times that you slip up…you’re human.  Thankfully we have a Heavenly Father that is merciful and loves us! In seeking to have more discretion ask for the Lord to grant you wisdom, spend more time in prayer, and weigh the outcomes of your decisions before rushing into hasty ones. As you continue to seek out the Lord and grow in your relationship with Him you will be able to hear His voice more clearly. Moving in the direction that He leads will become an easier task for you. 

By: Sarah Joyner

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