The "Why" Behind Fearlessly Chique

Thanks to my friend, Bethany (who also happens to be an amazing graphic designer), Fearlessly Chique has a new look! As I've contemplated picking things up again, God has been reminding me why I started the blog in the first place. Sometimes I have the hardest time putting my thoughts and feelings into words. I don't know how to fully explain why I'm so passionate about this. The only thing I know with all my heart is that the teenage version of myself desperately needed Jesus and someone like "young adult Sarah" in her life. Below is the the new "About the blog" section for Fearlessly Chique to help you understand the purpose of the blog. It's currently 11:30pm and after a long work day, Body Pump class, and several hours catching up with friends, I'm pretty tired. Know that the words are coming from my heart and hopefully with time, you'll be able to see the work that the Lord has been stirring up in my heart for years.

Fearlessly Chique started as an idea in my dorm room at Liberty University back in 2011. I remember being so unsure of my major and what God's purpose was for putting me on this earth. I had just wrapped up one of my fashion classes for the day and was really struggling to work through how I could use my major for God's glory. I boldly cried out to the Lord for direction and purpose. I prayed, prayed some more, then sat silently waiting for Him to answer. After a few moments, I clearly remember a gentle, yet strong voice speak to my soul and say "I want you to teach young women about modesty". Did I hear that correctly?! When I thought about the fashion industry, modesty was the absolute last thing that crossed my mind. As I sat back and entertained the idea more, I started to remember the younger version of myself. I desperately wanted to be one of the popular girls in school, was completely brainwashed by the media's definition of beauty, and longed for the attention of guys to find my worth. I spent so much time trying to be what I saw on TV, read about in magazines, or listened to in the lyrics of my favorite songs on the radio, only to find years later that I was lost, broken, ashamed, and angry at God. God being rich in love, mercy, and grace, picked up the shattered pieces of my life and gave me a second chance - He called me His own. He told me that I was loved, forgiven, and that if I allowed Him to, He could make something beautiful out of my life. Every void I ever felt He had the power to fill, every blemish he could wipe clean, and every ounce of brokenness could be restored. Although I rejected Him so many times in the past, He never stopped wanting a deeper relationship with me! 

Fearlessly Chique is an opportunity for me to share two things that I love with others - Jesus and fashion! It breaks my heart that at tender young ages, girls are already being so heavily influenced and are walking through some of the most challenging years of their lives not knowing their worth. The messages that we hear everyday are laced so intricately with lies, that they create strongholds for women even into adulthood. I want to be a voice that speaks out in the midst of all the noise to share the redeeming power of Christ. I want women to know that they're loved, valued, and set apart for God's glory. I want to share some of life's challenges that I've gone through in hopes that they'll encourage someone else. To me modesty is so much more than the things we wear, it's a matter of the heart. I hope this blog will help cultivate hearts that yearn for Jesus and to be more like Him. To be fashioned by Christ is to grow in His likeness, live fully surrendered, and walk in purpose. 

I'm learning to love myself more one day at a time, but most importantly, I've been falling in love with my Creator and that has been the true reward. This whole blogging thing is new to me (not really sure if I'll even be good at it), but it's the door I'm going to walk through for right now to make Fearlessly Chique a reality. I hope you'll join this journey with me. 

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